
发布时间:2005-12-15  浏览次数:次  新闻作者:王堂华  摄影:  来自:外国语言文学系    责任编辑:


1.The Importance of Oral English

2.A Comparative Study of American English and British English

3.The Characteristics of Spoken English

4.Formal and Informal English

5.On English- Chinese and Chinese- English Translation

6.The Function of Figurative Language

7.Body Language –An Important Means of Communication

8.Colloquial English and Written English

9.Linguistic Study of Journalistic Language

10.The Characteristics of Business English

11.The Function of Grammar in English Acquisition

12.The Application of English Euphemisms

13.Similarities and Dissimilarities between Chinese and English

14.Basic Characteristics of Business Letters

15.A Linguistic Comparison Between Business English and Literary English

16.The Main Differences Between American English and British English

17.Adjustment of Syntactic Components for Forcibleness and Impressiveness

18.The Word BUT in Negation

19.A Study of Nominal Relative Clauses

20.The Expressive Function of the Continuous Tense in English

21.The Characteristics of Scientific English

22.The Characteristics of English Journalism

23.The Function of English Idioms

24.English Idioms and Chinese Idioms-----A Comparative Study

25.English and Chinese Sound Systems-----A Comparative Study

26.On English Rhetorical Devices

27.How the English Language Creates New Words

28.How the English Language Enlarges Its Vocabulary

29.How Journalistic English Shortens Its Words

30.The Witty Use of Conversion in English Journalism

31.The Witty Use of Compounding in English Journalism

32.A Pragmatic Study on Conversations

33.The Practical Use of Co-operative Principles

34.How to Distinguish English Synonyms

35.The Distinctive Features of Advertising English

36.The Features of the English Basic Word-- Stock

37.The Essential Features of Phrasal Verbs

38.The Essential Features of English Idioms

39.Functions of Language

40.A Study on English Lexical Collocations

41.How to Use the English Dictionary Effectively

42.Improving Listening Comprehension through Anticipation

43.The Relationship Between “Listening” and “Speaking” in English Learning

44.Error Analysis and Improving Ability in English

45.A Preliminary Discussion on Cohesion

46.The Influence of the Native Tongue on Second Language Acquisition

47.A Psychological Study on Second Language Acquisition—Individual Varieties and Differences in Teaching

48.A Comparative Study of Scientific English and English for Advertising

49.A Study of the Language in Advertisement

50.A Comparison Between Sino-American Higher Education

51.A Study of the Web-Chat Language

52.Discourse Analysis of Advertising Chinese?

53.Exploring Gender-related Communication Styles in Chinese

54.Cultivation of Awareness of Cohesive Devices in English Writing

55.A Contrastive Study of Theme and Rhyme in English and Chinese

56.The Function Approach to the Reference of the Chinese Reflexive“自己”

57.Study on Refusal Strategies in Verbal Communication

58.Investigating Humor in the Light of Relevance Theory

59.On English Allusions


60.The Top Criterion Appraising A Piece of Translation

61.Some Fundamental Qualities of a Competent Translator

62.A comparison and Translation of the Passive Voice in English and Chinese

63.How to Translate English Idioms

64.How to Translate English Proverbs

65.What can Linguistics do in Translation

66.Linguistic Approaches to Translation

67.Translation from a Linguistic Perspective

68.The Techniques of Chinese-English Translation

69.The Techniques of English-Chinese Translation

70.The Application of General Translation Theory to Business Translation Practice

71.How Executing Business English Translation Differs From Executing Business English Interpretation

72.On Translation Methods

73.Translation of English Negative Sentences

74.Language Barriers in Translation

75.Translation Criteria

76.An Approach to Translation of Numeral and Measuring Words

77.A Study of Yan Fu’s View on Translation

78.Cultural Discrepancies in E-C/C-E Tourism Translation

79.C-E Translation of Long Sentences

80.Comments on Huang Yuangshen’s Version of Jane Eyre

81.“Addtion”and “Deletion” in C-E and E-c Translation

82.Translation of Trademarks

83.Translation of Advertisements

84.On the Diction in English-Chinese Translation

85.On Strategies in Advertisements translation


86.Mark Twain---The Greatest American Humorist

87.Geoffrey Chaucer——Pioneer in English Literature

88.On Shakespeare’s Female Characters

89. Jane Austin and Her PRIDE AND PREJUDICE

90.Poets of the Romanticist Period

91.Mobid Love in Wuthering Heighs

92.On Aestheticism in English literature

93.Ernest Hemingway’s Simplicity of Style

94.On the Innovative Modern American Novelists

95.American Naturalistic Writers

96.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn——A True Picture of American Society

97.A Thematic Study of Hemingway’s Novels

98.A Study of Theme and Style of Fitzgerald’s THE GREAT GATSBY

99.Symbolism in William Golding’s LORD OF THE FLIES

100.The Artistic Features of William Wordsworth’s Poems

101.A Study of the Critical Realism in Charles Dicken’s Novels

102.Woman’s Destiny in Charlotte Bronte’s JANE EYRE

103.On Children Characters in J.D. Salinger’s Works

104.A Study of the Anti-war Theme in SLAUGHTERHOUSE FIVE

105.A Study of the Theme of Hemingway’s A FAREWELL TO ARMS

106.On the Theme Artistic Style of Charles Lamb’s Essays

107.On Woman Characters in Bronte Sisters’ Works

108.On the Theme and Style of Virginia Woof’s Novels



111.Metaphor in Fiction



113.Language and Culture

114.Lexical Equivalence in Cross-cultural Communication

115.Cultural Differences and Different Lexical Expression

116. The Influence of the Cultural Background of English –Speaking Countries on our English Study

117.The Influence of the Cultural Factors on the Reading for English Majors

118.Testing and Teaching

119.On the Advantages and Disadvantages of Multiuple-Choice Items

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